New Student Painting
April 16, 2018
Press Release – Rebranding To Learn To Paint Academy
September 26, 2018We are excited to announce our newest Moore Certified Instructor. Ron Shepard is an experienced art teacher in North Carolina, USA. He has recently completed the qualifications to become our first Moore Certified Instructor in North Carolina area.
Read more about Ron below and contact him for classes.
To find out more about becoming a Moore Certified Instructor follow this link – http://www.MooreArtSchool.com/mci/
Ron Shepard resides with his wife, Sharon, of 51 years in Gastonia, NC, USA. Â Ron has crafted his skills in Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, and Colored Pencils. He is a member of Gaston County Art Guild, Gastonia, NC USA and The Southern Arts Society, Inc. in Kings Mountain, NC USA, and has served as an officer in each organization.
He has taught many art classes over the last three years. Â Â Certified by the Moore School of Art, he teaches beginner artists in Acrylics, Watercolor, and Colored Pencil because he wants to share his love for art with those who want to try art out as a hobby or want to become serious artists. He has sold many of his works, has placed third in a judged show, and continues to hone his craft in his years of retirement since 2012. Â
While Ron hasn’t had formal college art education, he has studied with various local and online artists and continues his education today as he shares his love of art with others.
His Art Facebook Pages are: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Shepards-Art-Emporium-506946996082304/photos/?ref=page_internal and https://www.facebook.com/pg/ronshepardpetportraits/photos/?ref=page_internal …
His Cell Phone is 704-964-4913.