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January 5, 2017New – Learn To Paint Club – Sneak Preview Of Episode 1
January 6, 2017Earn $500 A Day Teaching Art Workshops
(Model For Success)
Click Here For More Information
I get a lot of interest from artists around the world wanting to start their own Art Teaching business.
Find out how here
What holds them back though typically is a couple of things.
Mostly MONEY!
So let me show you one of the ways money is made when you start your Art Teaching business.
If you have never run a business before you might not understand the model.
So in the video I explain the model.
It’s the same model I use when I am teaching Art Classes or one day workshops.
Now keep in mind it is a model and your experience might be different.
But this gives you a model to work with. Something to aim at.
Will it happen like this the first time you run an Art Workshop?
Probably not … you need to build momentum, build a following, develop regular students, improve your skills, get experience, and fine tune what works specifically in your local area.
And it might take some time and persistence to build it up to this level as well.
I don’t know you personally so I can’t say for sure. What I can tell you though is if you keep this model in mind and work hard to build your business towards this model then this level of income is more than possible.
Two workshops like this and your investment into the Moore Certified Instructor program is paid for.
What if it took you 4 or 5 workshops to make back your investment? It would still be worth it as you would then have the skills for life, right?
Find out how here