Monet’s Garden – Claude Monet’s Garden at Giverny
August 16, 2012Episode 1 – The Artists Journey
September 17, 2012Hi … I hope your painting is going great.
I wanted to keep you all up to date with what is happening with our Art Classes and Workshops. Many of you will know that for most of this year we had been running classes in Geelong and Albert Park prior to going overseas in July. Now that we are back from our trip we have been looking at what to do with art classes for the future.
The problem we have come up against is that the studio we were using in Geelong has closed down and we are unable to find a suitable venue. The studio in Albert Park has been to costly to be able to run the classes effectively without putting our prices up.
This is combined with the fact that the vast majority of people who are on our database are outside of Victoria. In fact you are spread out all over Australia and increasingly around the world … so even if we do find another venue & schedule more classes the fact is 90% of you reading this won't be able to come along anyway.
So we have made an important decision … one which we are very excited about and I am sure you will be to. We have decided to start running online art classes with the first one starting on Monday 24th September and running for 6 weeks.
The first online class that we run will be 'Painting Landscapes – Level 1'. Over the course of the six weeks we will teach you step-by-step how to paint simple yet effective landscapes. We can only take 15 students per class and it will be a case of first in first served when we open up for bookings.
By running online art classes it means that no matter where in the world you are you can now join us for one of our art classes.
I will be emailing you again in the next few days with full details when we are ready to open up for bookings into this new class so please keep an eye open for the email announcement.
If you are interested in joining the class for the six weeks then drop me a return email to let me know and I will place you on our priority notification list.