New – Learn To Paint Club – Sneak Preview Of Episode 6 “Bob Ross Mountains”
January 14, 2017Learn To Paint Club – Now Open
January 27, 2017What’s the best way to learn how to paint and become a better painter?
I think the key is through learning a few basic skills and steps for constructing a painting, and then repetition of those skills through practice until it becomes automatic and intuitive. In other words, advancing your painting to the point you no longer need to think about it.
What are the basic skills you need?
Well the three big ones we teach in the Moore Method of Painting are Drawing in the Big Shapes, Blocking In, and Details. These are the three steps in the Moore Method.
Within these three steps you need to learn things like:
* Identifying big shapes
* Composition elements
* Drawing Skills (Basic drawing)
* Colour Mixing
* Warm Colours vs Cool
* Values – Use of Dark to Light
* Ariel Perspective
* Edges – Lost & Found
* Highlights
* Detailing & Finishing Touches
* Focal Points
* Brush Technique
If you get to the point were these skills are second nature then you move to a place where you paint from your heart, soul and emotions rather than your thoughts.
We all have to start though consciously learning the skills, understanding the steps, and thinking through each brush stroke.
Chose one source to learn the skills and then practice lots by doing lots of projects. There is no substitute for brush miles.
The new Learn To Paint Club will give you the opportunity to learn the skills, get the practice and get the feedback you need to improve. In time when you join you will develop into a very good artist as well.
We will be launching the Learn To Paint Club in the next day or so.
Images from one of the Learn To Paint projects