Congratulations! Here Is Your FREE
Learn To Paint eBook & Video Course

Please watch the video above for important information

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Download Your Free "Learn To Paint" eBook

To download your free eBook that will walk you through the steps to learning to paint as a beginner click on the image of the eBook on the left and choose where to save it on your computer.

PLUS Your Free 'Learn To Paint Introduction' Video Course

An account has been created for you in the Learn To Paint Academy so you can access the FREE video course 'Learn To Paint Introduction' which includes four full length video demonstrations using the Moore Method of Painting. What you need to do is check your email for log in details which will arrive via a separate email.

Limited Time Offer - Claim Your $50 Discount On
The Acrylic Painting Starter Bundle


Claim Your $50 Discount On The Acrylic Painter Starter Bundle

For a limited time you can claim your $50 discount on the Acrylic Painter Starter Bundle. If you are just starting out painting you will want to register for this great bundle which includes two full length courses on painting with acrylics plus 6 more full length painting projects for you to try at home. Over 13 hours of video training for you.

Limited time offer ... click the image below for full details:

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