2020 Learn To Paint Academy Student Exhibition
15th March - 31st March 2020
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Artist: Robyn Readyvoth
Country: United States of America
Website: www.classicalcolors.net
Facebook: Robyn ReadyVoth
Artist Bio: Feel the calming breeze off the ocean and taste the brisk ocean air. Hear the song of the seagull in the distance and the plop of the tiny waves rushing to the shore flowing around and through my feet sinking in the warm sand, it feels eternal... title " Eternity"
Hi my name is Robyn from So. Calif. As a self taught artist I've been commissioned to paint murals, ceilings, and canvases. My artworks' intention for my collectors is to reconnect with their heart, their spirit and, their soul. I do this through color and the subjects used in our creations.
Finding Rod Moore and the Learn to Paint Academy has been the missing link in my work. Rods' 3 step method unlocked some of my haunting fears and the improvement in my craft has moved to a new level.
Please join me at www. ClassicalColors.net and I'd love to join me on Facebook at Robyn ReadyVoth