How To Improve Your Painting Skills With ...

The Moore Method Of Painting

Learn How You Can Rapidly Improve Your Paintings From The Comfort Of Home Without Having To Pay For Expensive Art Classes & Workshops No Matter Your Skill Level

How To Improve Your Painting Skills With ...

The Moore Method Of Painting

Learn How You Can Rapidly Improve Your Paintings From The Comfort Of Home Without Having To Pay For Expensive Art Classes & Workshops No Matter Your Skill Level

Take Advantage of Today's Special Discounted Price ...

Today Only $341 $37 USD

Secure Your Spot Before The Price Goes Back To The Regular Price!
The Only Learn To Paint Online Course You Need.

Have You Ever Felt This Way About Your Painting?

  • Frustrated because you know the type of beautiful paintings you want to create but you are just not sure on how to go about it, where to start your painting, and how to finish
  • Confused about how to mix the colors you need for your next masterpiece. You know the basics of color but you are not sure on how to mix and match the exact color you need.
  • Not clear on what the actual painting process is. How do you start a painting, what happens after that, how many layers of paint to apply, how much detail, and how to know when a painting is finished.
  • Struggling with your painting materials and medium. You are not sure on how to get the best results out of the brushes, paints, surfaces, mediums or more. In fact you are not really sure on what exactly you need.
  • Annoyed that you can't produce the results in your paintings that you see others creating
  • Hopeful that if you just keep at it and keep trying one day it will all come together
  • Unsure if painting is even for you or if you have artistic talent even though you would love nothing more than to be able to produce beautiful paintings to hang on the wall.
  • Or maybe you are just not sure what you should paint next

Imagine For A Moment If You Could Create Beautiful Paintings With Confidence Any Time You Like

  • You were able to paint the subjects you love with confidence knowing you had the skills to create beautiful works
  • You understood the process and steps in taking a painting from the beginning through to having it finished, framed and hung on the wall for all to admire
  • You had a solid mastery of the basics of good painting including composition, values, colour, brushwork and more.
  • Your paintings were admired, appreciated and celebrated by your friends, family and collectors
  • Most importantly ... you had the passion, creative skills and excitement to bring beautiful artworks into the world and make the world a better place as a result

It's All Possible For You When You Decide To Join Today

Welcome To The Moore Method of Painting Program

Moore Method of Painting Complete Course

9 Lessons

Discover the Moore Method of Painting and how it can help you rapidly improve your painting skills. More than 85,000 people globally have learnt to paint using the Moore Method of Painting ... now its your turn

Learn To Paint Introduction Complete Course

18 Lessons

The Learn To Paint Introduction Course is designed for anyone to learn how you can start painting in Oils, Water Mixable Oils, Acrylics or Gouache following an easy approach you can learn today.

3 Years of Live Stream Recordings

58 Lessons

Get instant access to 3 years worth of recordings from our live painting streams and our live Q&A sessions. Plus join us on future live painting streams and advanced live streams

Meet Your Teacher Rod Moore

Rod Moore is a contemporary impressionist landscape artist based in Noosa, Australia.

His paintings are loose, bold and impressionistic and are held by both private and corporate collectors around the world.

Rod is the founder of the Learn To Paint Academy and creator of the Moore Method of Painting. To date he has taught hundreds of students in workshops, and more than 85,000 students have been through his online art classes and workshops. 

Rod is the star of the TV shows 'Plein Air Painting TV' and 'Yes You Can Paint TV' both of which were 13 episodes each and broadcast around Australia and New Zealand.

Introducing The Moore Method of Painting Program

The painting process can be difficult to understand and confusing to learn at first.

What is missing in most painting instruction and workshops, is a breakdown of the process so you can learn it step by step.

And that is why the Moore Method of Painting works so well.

It simplifies the whole process down into 3 steps, 3 colours and 3 brushes.

After watching thousands of hours of artists painting on DVD's I discovered that they nearly all used the same three step process. The problem was that they either were not aware they were using these three steps, or they were not able to effectively communicate these three steps.

I spent years studying these three steps and how to best teach them to you.

And I have put it all into the "Moore Method of Painting Program" ready for you to start learning today!

When I started applying this unique approach to my painting here is what happened. I went ... 

From This ...

To This ...

As you can see in the results below, once I started teaching the Moore Method of Painting in workshops my students started to improve their painting skills dramatically.

To date we have taught hundreds of students in our workshops to paint with the Moore Method of Painting, and more than 85,000 students just like you globally via our easy to follow online courses.

Now its your turn to start improving your painting with the Moore Method of Painting. Take advantage of our discounted price.

Here Is What's Included When You Join The Moore Method of Painting Program At The Discounted Rate Today

Today You Get Instant Access To The Following ...

The Moore Method of Painting Course (Regular Price $97)

9 Complete & Comprehensive Lessons

You will get instant access to the Moore Method of Painting course which walks you through the key elements of the Moore Method of Painting. This one course alone will set you on the right path to improving your painting. Designed to run over five days with a number of painting projects for you to try at home

Learn To Paint Introduction Course (Regular Price $97)

18 Full Length Lessons

The Learn To Paint Introduction course is designed for those just starting out in their painting journey. It walks you through all of the basics you need to know to get started, and includes two full length painting demonstrations for you to try at home. This course will help you accelerate your painting success from the start.

Live Stream Recordings (Regular Price $147)

58 Lessons With Multiple Videos Per Lesson

Plus you will get access to our library of live stream recordings from the last three years. This features a huge range of painting projects for you to try at home, along with our popular Friday Coffee Chat & Q&A sessions. You won't run out of painting projects to try.

Take Advantage of Today's Special Discounted Price ...

Total Value $341 USD ... Today YOU Save $304 USD

Register Now Price Just $37 USD


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When You Go Through The Courses You Will Discover:

  • The number #1 reason you are struggling right now to produce the paintings you dream of, and what to do about it
  • Why learning to paint can be so frustrating and how to move beyond the frustration so you start seeing results
  • How to analyse a scene you want to paint to best effect so that you are using the right composition structure for success
  • You don't need to be great at drawing in order to paint at a high level. Discover the Moore Method of Painting approach that helps you bypass the need to do high level drawing
  • Reduce the amount of paints, materials, and general art supplies you are using potentially saving you a fortune
  • How to paint with a limited palette for great results
  • The key to painting looser and with an Impressionist feel to your paintings
  • Where to place your focal point and how to bring it into focus to captivate the viewer of your works
  • Why most beginners fail in their efforts to learn to paint and how you can avoid the mistakes they make
  • How to get vibrant clean colour into your paintings and really master the basics of good colour mixing
  • The secret to getting highlights that pop out at the viewer
  • Capturing light and shadow in your paintings to best effect
  • Five things you need to do to add depth, atmosphere and emotion to your paintings ... they may not be what you think
  • Using colour temperature to add drama and emotion to your paintings
  • Controlling the eye of the viewer in your painting to hold their attention
  • PLUS so much more that I have learned in 10+ years going from absolute beginner to full time professional artist

Take A Look At The Success Our Students Are Having...

I have really benefited artistically since I have been with the Learn to Paint Academy. Rod not only simplifies the painting process for his students, but also explains the often difficult and abstract concepts behind creating art and appreciating it for its conceptual, historical and cultural semiotic.

-Colin, Australia

My few previous attempts with painting lessons prior to Rod’s Method were devastating failures. I began the Learn to Paint Academy on April 1, 2020, with unexpectedly rapid results.

The 5 Day Painting Challenge beautifully pulled together all that I had been learning and practising via the Academy courses. I never dreamed that I could ever be at this stage of painting! The simplicity of Rod's method makes it so easy to achieve surprisingly good results on the first try! Thanks a million, Rod, for the life changing achievement of the belief that I can do this!!

-Sherlyn, USA

I have painted this painting using the Moore Method of Painting, I have struggled for years trying to get things looking like they should and had trouble with colour mixing, perspective and knowing how to choose a composition.

Then found the Learn To Paint Academy and have not looked back I have improved so much and sold paintings for the first time. Congratulations Rod on a teaching learners how to paint. Great Job!!!.

- Cheryl Howard, Australia

The past few years with you as teacher and the LTPA have been an incredible experience for me. Having done the MCI programme has opened the world of art to me. The continued journey with LTPA has improved my skills immensely.

3 steps, 3 colours, 3 brushes make for a winner in learning to paint. The simplest methodology I have seen online, period.

Thanks for your continued and valued support and training.

Highly appreciated and recommended.

- John, Taiwan

Becoming a part of the Learn To Paint Academy community and learning the Moore Method of Painting has helped me tremendously in my journey to become an artist.

As a beginner, I was often overwhelmed but working with this simplified method has made it so much easier.

- Gaetanne, Canada

One of my early attempts during the April challenge. I can’t believe my transformation from nothing to being capable of having a go after six months with Rod

- Bob Blair, Saratoga

Take Advantage of Today's Special Discounted Price ...

You Get Instant Access Right Now:

When you join the Moore Method of Painting program you will get instant access to the following comprehensive full length courses teaching you the key skills of good painting including:

  • The Moore Method of Painting Course (Regular Price $97)
  • Learn To Paint Introduction Course (Regular Price $97)
  • Live Stream Recordings Library (Regular Price $147)

There is hours and hours of video content in the courses and more than one hundred painting projects available to you right now in the live stream recordings library.

When you join as Moore Method of Painting member today you will get instant access to the key information you need to take your painting to a much higher level.

BONUS - Plus You Will Be Joining Our Global Community
Of Inspired Artists

When you take advantage of this special offer today you will be joining our global community of inspired artists.

Thousands of artists, from beginner to intermediate level, have already joined us in the Learn To Paint Academy. You will be joining them and have access to our wonderful community of like minded artists from all over the world.

This is your opportunity ... come and join us!

Total Value $341 USD ... Today YOU Save $304 USD

Register Now Price Just $37 USD


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Frequently Asked Questions

What Medium Are The Courses In?

The Moore Method of Painting is taught in such a way that it can be transferred between Acrylics, Oils, Water Mixable Oils & Gouache. So any of the courses taught in any of these mediums can be transferred to other courses.

When Do The Courses Start?

There is no set time or schedule for the courses. You take them at your own pace. So just log in when ever you are ready and take your time going through the courses in the order you want.

How Do I Get Access To The Courses?

After you join an account will be created for you in the Learn To Paint Academy. This account allows you to access the members area at any time with your log in details. Its a simple matter of logging in to your account to access your courses and projects.

How Long Do I Have Access For?

If you decide today to join by clicking the button above and create your account then you will have access for life. So you pay one time but enjoy unlimited access to the courses for as long as you like.

Can I Really Learn To Paint?

Yes ... if you have the desire to and have a go. The Moore Method of Painting has so far helped 85,000 + students around the world to learn to paint. Some have gone on to enter art shows, sell their work online, win awards and start art teaching businesses. The Moore Method of Painting is proven to work ... so if you follow along you can get similar results.

What Art Supplies Do I Need To Get Started?

The beauty of the The Moore Method of Painting is that we recommend keeping it simple. Therefore the supplies we recommend are minimal. Once you become a Fundamentals member we will share with you the required art supplies used within each of the courses

Still have questions? If you do contact our Support Desk

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

You can register today with confidence! If you decide at any time in the next 30 days from when you register that it is not for you then simply contact our Support Desk for an unconditional money back guarantee

You Get Lifetime Access

One of the best things about the Moore Method of Painting program is you can work at your own pace. You pay just once for everything included in the program, and you will have lifetime access to the courses and the projects!

Why Register Right Now?

As you can see we have heavily discounted the price because we want to encourage as many people as possible to join us in the Learn To Paint Academy ... however we can't continue this huge discount price for much longer.

Are You Ready To Get Amazing Results Like Our Students?

Take Advantage of Today's Special Discounted Price ...

Total Value $341 USD ... Today YOU Save $304 USD

Register Now Price Just $37 USD


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