Improve Your Painting By Mastering The Key Skills

Register For The All New Fundamentals Program Today!

Your Second Chance To Save On The Fundamentals Program.

Click Above To Watch The Video For All The Details

Register Here For The Fundamentals Program

Save Over $806 When You Take Advantage Of This Special Offer


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Are you ready to improve your painting skills and finally master the basics of good painting?

If you are then this is your opportunity to join the Fundamentals Program at the Learn To Paint Academy and save over $806!

As a member of the Fundamentals program you will have the chance to focus in on learning the basic skills that every great artist has mastered. These Fundamentals of good painting can't be ignored, but its so hard to find good information on them to help you learn.

That's why I have put together the Fundamentals Program ... a complete study program to help you quickly gain the knowledge and skills you need to take your painting from beginner level to an accomplished artist. This will help you get past the frustration we all feel when we get stuck with our painting.

This special offer (only available right here) is a collection of courses focused on teaching the fundamentals of painting, and painting projects to help you practise. To purchase them all individually would be an investment of over $873 USD ... however for a limited time you get everything listed below for just $67 USD

Instant Access To The Fundamentals Program ... 
Plus Lots Of Painting Projects To Try!

In order to really improve your painting ability and move from amateur looking paintings to more professional paintings that could be exhibited or sold ... you need to do two things. 

First you need to improve your skills and knowledge of the basics of good painting. Or what we call the Fundamentals. And that's exactly why we have put the Fundamentals Program together.

Second you need to practise what you have learned. As part of the Fundamentals Program you will be getting access to a range of painting projects to try at home.

If you do these two things, study the fundamentals, and practise what you learn then you will quickly develop your ability as an artist. It won't be long before your work is good enough to exhibit at the local art shows, or start to sell if that's what you want to do.

So what are these Fundamental skills you need to master to improve your painting?

I've listed them here for you:

  • Composition & Design
  • Drawing Skills To Place Big Shapes In Right Spot On Canvas
  • Values - Creates Realism In Painting
  • Colour & Colour Mixing - Essential For All Artists
  • Brushes & Brushwork
  • Edges

The above list are the key skills you want to focus on mastering to improve your painting.

Having taught more than 70,000 students globally online, and hundreds in one day workshops, I can assure that nearly every beginner (and even intermediate level) struggle because they do not fully understand the above skills of painting.

Once they focus on learning the skills in the above list, and practise what they learn, they nearly all rapidly improve their painting.

Here Is What's Included When You Join The Fundamentals Program At The Discounted Rate Today

If you decide you are ready to improve your painting and want to take advantage of the opportunity to join the Fundamentals Program and save over $806 then here is a list of the courses you are going to get instant access to:

Composition & Design Course (Valued at $97 USD)

Composition and Design is one of the first big stumbling blocks for many students. In this comprehensive course we look at the key concepts for a good composition, the focal point and the most common composition and design strategies you can use. We also look at some of the most common problems with composition.

This one course alone will make a huge difference to your painting

Values Studies

Values (Valued at $97 USD)

Values are essential to achieve any sense of realism in your paintings and any feeling of depth in your landscapes and seascapes. Without a solid understanding of values and how to apply them your paintings may end up looking flat and lacking a feeling of depth in them.

We take a deep dive in this course on all things related to Values

Colour & Colour Mixing (Valued at $97 USD)

Colour and how to mix it is another area I have observed students really struggle in. And when you think about it Colour & Colour Mixing is the essential skill we must have.

In this comprehensive course I show you everything you need to know to get you started with colour. And it's not just about which colour to use, you are also going to learn about ideas such as colour temperature, saturation, the values of colour, how to match any colour you want to mix and much more.

This is an essential course that just on its own is worth the discounted price for the Fundamentals Program today.

Brushes & Brushwork (Valued at $97 USD)

How you hold the brush, load it with paint, and use the brush to apply paint to the painting surface all makes a huge difference in the outcome. And then there is the question of which brush should you even use? Are more expensive brushes better?

Should you use natural fibres or synthetic?

All the questions and more are answered in our comprehensive course on Brushes and Brushwork. Another essential course every artist needs to go through at some point.

Drawing For Beginners (Valued at $97 USD)

Drawing is an essential skill for artists. It is possible to become a great painter without necessarily being a great drawer, however good drawing skills will definitely help.

In this beginner course we break down different techniques of drawing with pencils, and give you a whole range of practical drawing exercises.

As you can see ... the courses listed above are a detailed exploration of the fundamental skills you need to learn to improve your painting.

These are comprehensive courses and I know they will improve your painting as they have for lots of our students who have gone through them and applied what they learn in their own painting.

But that's not all you are getting as part of the Fundamentals Program. 

Plus ... Join Today And You Will Get These Bonuses!

It's not enough to just learn the information in the comprehensive courses you are about to get access to.

You also need to practise what you have learned. This is the only way to really learn these fundamental skills.

So in order to help you practise what you learn you will also be getting lots of painting projects:

To help you practise what you learn in the courses listed above you will also be getting more than 100+ painting projects to try from the:

  • Learn To Paint TV 2017
  • Learn To Paint TV 2018
  • Learn To Paint TV 2019
  • Learn To Paint TV 2020
  • More than 100 projects to try
  • An opportunity to use your new knowledge of the fundamentals

About Your Art Teacher Rod Moore

Rod Moore is a contemporary impressionist landscape artist based in Noosa, Australia. 

His paintings are loose, bold and impressionistic and are held by both private and corporate collectors around the world.

Rod is the founder of the Learn To Paint Academy and creator of the Moore Method of Painting. To date he has taught hundreds of students in workshops, and more than 80,000 students have been through his online art classes and workshops.

Rod is the star of the TV shows 'Plein Air Painting TV' and 'Yes You Can Paint TV' both of which were 13 episodes each and broadcast around Australia and New Zealand.

Frustrated with his early efforts in trying to learn to paint, Rod has been on a quest to discover and master the fundamentals of good painting. More importantly he is committed to teaching beginner to intermediate artists these same basic principles of good painting.

Join Rod and your fellow students on the journey.

You Can Learn To Paint With The Moore Method of Painting

And Finally Become The Artist You Dream Of

You have already seen how effective the Moore Method of Painting is in helping you to learn to paint.

Already we have taught hundreds of students in one day workshops and more than 80,000 have taken courses in the Learn To Paint Academy. Now its your turn.

Are you ready to join us in the Fundamentals Program and save $806 USD? Take advantage of this once off offer and join for $67 USD

If you are then click the button below to get started:

Note - This offer is only available until the countdown timer ends. All charges are in USD.  Access is available for painting courses and projects listed above only.

Here Is What Some Of Our Students Say ...

I have really benefited artistically since I have been with the Learn to Paint Academy. Rod not only simplifies the painting process for his students, but also explains the often difficult and abstract concepts behind creating art and appreciating it for its conceptual, historical and cultural semiotic.

-Colin, Australia

The past few years with you as teacher and the LTPA have been an incredible experience for me. Having done the MCI programme has opened the world of art to me. The continued journey with LTPA has improved my skills immensely.

3 steps, 3 colours, 3 brushes make for a winner in learning to paint. The simplest methodology I have seen online, period.
Thanks for your continued and valued support and training.
Highly appreciated and recommended.

- John, Taiwan

Becoming a part of the Learn To Paint Academy community and learning the Moore Method of Painting has helped me tremendously in my journey to become an artist.

As a beginner, I was often overwhelmed but working with this simplified method has made it so much easier.

- Gaetanne, Canada

My few previous attempts with painting lessons prior to Rod’s Method were devastating failures. I began the Learn to Paint Academy on April 1, 2020, with unexpectedly rapid results. The 5 Day Painting Challenge beautifully pulled together all that I had been learning and practising via the Academy courses. I never dreamed that I could ever be at this stage of painting! The simplicity of Rod's method makes it so easy to achieve surprisingly good results on the first try! Thanks a million, Rod, for the life changing achievement of the belief that I can do this!!

-Sherlyn, USA

"For me, it was simply the case that Rod introduced me to a whole new experience in my life. I enrolled in the online course 'Learn to paint landscapes in oils' nearly 7 years ago.
I remember how apprehensive I was, when it came to my turn to put paint on canvas. I didn't know if I can paint, but I knew early on that this is something I would do for the rest of my life. I just love the way the paint seemed to glide across the canvas. So, yes, I definitely recommend Rod's Academy! If you're like me, starting out as a hobby, you may be surprised where the journey may lead you. Huge Thanks to Rod."

- Monika, Australia

My family, friend and even I, are amazed with the painting I did with Rod during his online lesson. Ive been wanting to paint for a long time but never had the courage to do so. A month ago I came across an ad for Moore art on Facebook. I read people's testimonies, looked through the photos of smiling people with their beautiful paintings and decided to give it a try. Rod makes his class so easy to follow and understand. I was mixing colors, painting perspectives and when I finished I had a painting that hangs on my wall I can be proud of. I did a second painting with the same beautiful results. Rods method works ! And I will definitely be signing up for more classes.

- Olga, Russia

One of my early attempts during the April challenge. I can’t believe my transformation from nothing to being capable of having a go after six months with Rod

- Bob Blair, Saratoga

I have painted this painting using the Moore Method of Painting, I have struggled for years trying to get things looking like they should and had trouble with colour mixing, perspective and knowing how to choose a composition. Then found the learn to paint academy and have not looked back I have improved so much and sold paintings for the first time. Congratulations Rod on a teaching learners how to paint. Great Job!!!.

- Cheryl Howard, Australia

Space Reserved for your story!

The above is just a small sample of the many testimonials we have received from the thousands of students just like you who have improved their painting when they joined the Learn To Paint Academy.

If They Can Do It So Can You If YOU Are Willing To Have A Go!

There is hardly a day that goes by where I don't receive emails, and social media comments thanking me for helping them learn to paint. 

We have had people from all over the world, from all walks of life, and at all ages join us.

And by following our comprehensive courses and projects they have been able to realise their dream of painting something they are happy with and proud of.

Now it's your turn.

Yes you absolutely can learn to paint when you follow the Moore Method of Painting.

Imagine for a moment its 2 or 3 months down the road and you have just finished doing a painting you are really happy with. A painting you are proud to get framed and hung on the wall. How good does it feel as your family and friends all tell you how great it is.

There is no time like the present ... all you need to do, as the students in the photos above did, is say YES and have a go.

Here Is What Is Included When You Join
The Fundamentals Program

When you join the Fundamentals Program you will get instant access to the following:

Comprehensive full length courses teaching you the fundamental skills of good painting including:

* Composition & Design Course

* Values Course

* Colour & Colour Mixing Course

* Brushes & Brushwork Course

* Drawing For Beginners Course

Plus the added BONUS of 100+ painting projects to try at home:

* Learn To Paint TV 2017

* Learn To Paint TV 2018

* Learn To Paint TV 2019

* Learn To Paint TV 2020

There is hours and hours of video content in the courses and more than one hundred painting projects available to you right now.

When you join as a Fundamental Program member today you will get instant access to the key information you need to take your painting to a much higher level.

Total Value $873 USD ... Today Save $807 USD

Register Now Price Just $67 USD

Click the red button to join the Fundamentals Program today.

The price to join the Fundamentals Program today of just $67 USD is a substantial discount over the regular price.  As such the price can't last ... if you feel that this is the opportunity you have been looking for to finally get started with improving your painting then act right now ...

Note - This offer is only available until the countdown timer ends. All charges are in USD.  Access is available for painting courses and projects listed above only.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

You can register today with confidence! If you decide at any time in the next 30 days from when you register that it is not for you then simply contact our Support Desk for an unconditional money back guarantee

Lifetime Access

One of the best things about the Fundamentals Program is you can work at your own pace. You pay just once for everything included in the program, and you will have lifetime access to the courses and the projects!

Why Register
Right Now?

As you can see we have heavily discounted the price because we want to encourage as many people as possible to join us in the Learn To Paint Academy ... however we can't continue this huge discount price for much longer.

As you can see from the above you have absolutely no risk when you join the Fundamentals Program.

You will be making a wise investment to improve your painting skills at a substantial discount to the regular price. With that you get our 30 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee, and Life Time Access to the courses and projects.

And if that isn't enough for you to say yes today there is also the huge advantage of ...

You Will Be Joining The Learn To Paint Academy Community!

Painting For Beginners

Possibly one of the best reasons to register right now is you will be joining our virtual community of inspired artists around the world.

We have an amazing group of students from all corners of the world who have joined us. You can connect with your fellow students through the online community that is part of the Learn To Paint Academy and in our regular live stream events.

The virtual community is invaluable as you get to see how other students go about painting the same projects and assignments as you, get feedback on your work, and give feedback to others. Our members are also a great source of knowledge as well.

Many of our members have suggested it has been worth joining just to be part of the community.

Plus ... you will have the opportunity to interact with Rod via the regular live streams

This is your moment ... I'm excited that you will be joining us in the Fundamentals Program

Click the button above to take advantage of this once only opportunity to join and save over $806.

See you inside the academy.


Rod Moore
Learn To Paint Academy

Creator of the Moore Method of Painting

Get Your Questions Answered

Make sure you get your questions answered so you can confidently make a positive decision to join as a life member.

Here are some of the frequently asked questions we get:

Q/ What Medium Are The Courses In?

A/ The Moore Method of Painting is taught in such a way that it can be transferred between Acrylics, Oils, Water Mixable Oils & Gouache. So any of the courses taught in any of these mediums can be transferred to other courses. 

Q/ How Do I Get Access To The Courses?

A/ After you join as a Fundamentals Member an account will be created for you in the Learn To Paint Academy. This account allows you to access the members area at any time with your log in details. Its a simple matter of logging in to your account to access your courses and projects.

Q/ When Do The Courses Start?

A/ There is no set time or schedule for the courses. You take them at your own pace. So just log in when ever you are ready and take your time going through the courses in the order you want.

Q/ How Long Do I Have Access For?

A/ If you decide today to join as a Fundamentals member by clicking the button above and create your account then you will have access for life. So you pay one time but enjoy unlimited access to the courses for as long as you like.

Q/ Can I Really Learn To Paint?

A/ Yes ... if you have the desire to and have a go. The Moore Method of Painting has so far helped 80,000 + students around the world to learn to paint. Some have gone on to enter art shows, sell their work online, win awards and start art teaching businesses. The Moore Method of Painting is proven to work ... so if you follow along you can get similar results.

Q/ What Art Supplies Do I Need To Get Started?

A/ The beauty of the The Moore Method of Painting is that we recommend keeping it simple. Therefore the supplies we recommend are minimal. Once you become a Fundamentals member we will share with you the required art supplies used within each of the courses.


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Note - This offer is only available until the countdown timer ends. All charges are in USD. Access is available for painting courses and projects listed above only.

More Student Success Stories ...

Do you have any further questions?

If you still have unanswered questions then please contact our Support Desk - Click Here For Support Desk

Ready to get started? Click the button above and create your account.

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