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Learn To Paint eBook?
Comprehensive eBook To Download Instantly
Complete Video Course On Learning To Paint
Four Complete Painting Projects To Try At Home
Click the "Give Me Access" above to get immediate access to your "Learn To Paint"Introduction package (Valued at $97). When you do here is what you are going to get:
Learn To Paint eBook (Valued at $37)
The first gift you will receive in the "Learn To Paint" Introduction package is the Learn To Paint eBook. In the eBook you will learn how to get started with painting in oils and acrylics even if you are an absolute beginner.
The eBook explains how you can learn to paint with the Moore Method of Painting, a simple to follow approach to painting with just 3 steps, 3 brushes and 3 colours to get you started.
Get instant access to the eBook above
Learn To Paint Introduction Video Course (Valued at $47)
The second gift you are about to receive in the "Learn To Paint" introduction package is our video course "Learn To Paint Introduction". Yes its 100% free. In this comprehensive video course Rod goes through the Moore Method of Painting and how you can use it to start painting great looking paintings you will love.
Plus ... As a BONUS you also get four different painting demonstrations by Rod that you can follow along with.
Invite To Join Our Community (Priceless Value)
The third gift you are about to receive in the "Learn To Paint" introduction package is a personal invite to join our Community of artists who are all learning to paint with the Learn To Paint Academy.
Join in with hundreds of other artists just like you who are learning to paint with the Moore Method of Painting.
Get help with your paintings, join in the discussions, and access our weekly live streams.
Note - The Learn To Paint Introduction offer is 100% FREE. No Credit Card is required. Simply click the "Give Me Access" button above for your instant access. This offer is limited and available for a short time only.
Hi ... I'm Rod, founder of the Learn To Paint Academy and the Moore Method of Painting and full time professional artist based in Noosa, Australia.I wanted to thank you for dropping by this page.
I've had the good fortune to teach thousands of beginners like you who had a dream of learning to paint using my simple and easy to follow Moore Method of Painting. And now it's your turn.
Simply click the Give Me Access button above and follow the steps to get instant access to the "Learn To Paint in Oils & Acrylics Introduction" eBook and the "Learn To Paint Introduction" video course with four full painting demonstrations.
And YES ... this is 100% free. Why? Because its our way of introducing you to all of the amazing courses we have at the Learn To Paint Academy and our wonderful community of artists.
I look forward to seeing you on the inside and helping you learn to paint as well.
See you there.
Rod Moore
Learn To Paint Academy
PS ... Take a look at some of the feedback from our students below
Rod Moore
Contemporary Landscape Impressionist
Monika Schefler
For me, it was simply the case that Rod introduced me to a whole new experience in my life. I enrolled in the online course 'Learn to paint landscapes in oils' nearly 7 years ago. I remember how apprehensive I was, when it came to my turn to put paint on canvas. I didn't know if I can paint, but I knew early on that this is something I would do for the rest of my life. I just love the way the paint seemed to glide across the canvas. So, yes, I definitely recommend Rod's Academy! If you're like me, starting out as a hobby, you may be surprised where the journey may lead you. Huge Thanks to Rod.
Tom Vaughan
Rod, A few days ago in my ongoing pursuit of learning to paint, I stumbled across one of your beginners lessons on you tube. I was totally amazed. After watching literally hundreds and hundreds of those how to videos over the last nine or ten months I'd finally found one that made sense to me.I immediately subscribed to your channel, from there I went to my garage where I paint, or attempt to, rewatched your video, listened to what you said, did what you did and painted the very first painting I was not embarrassed to show to any one. I had painted a very nice Australian landscape. I'm now a devotee of your simple method and progressing very well. Thanks Rod and sign me up for classes. If your ever in California giving a class please contact me and count me in.
Mary Stewart
Rod, I wanted to write and thank you for the FREE five day video course you are promoting on Facebook. I have always dreamed of learning how to paint and even went so far as to acquire all of the necessary tools. The problem was I don't have any natural ability or any clue on where to start with painting. I used to day dream about being able to paint a simple landscape of the rolling hills near were I live, or even some of the coastal scenes but I confess I didn't know where to start. So I took a leap of faith and requested your five day course and I am glad I did. Your simple approach to painting mixed with your brilliant ability to teach helped me do my first painting. My husband wouldn't believe me that I painted it saying I must have got it from the local gallery. Thank you so much for making it fun and easy to learn. I'm now looking forward to taking all of your online courses and maybe even becoming a Moore Certified Teacher
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